Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Rain rain rain!

The morning was very similar to the previous morning – the clinic was again very quiet and after we had triaged some patients, we basically were just waiting around for the next couple of hours. For some reason there was only one doctor present so she had to see all the patients.

When I returned home, I had lunch and the lady in my host family (Thelma) told me that she was going to be collecting her grandchildren from school. She brought home her grandson and granddaughter who sat down to eat and talk.

By this time, the thunderstorms had started. It POURED with rain…and poured…and poured. There was lots of thunder and lightning and the rain was forceful enough to start leaking through many of the windows and the roof.

Unfortunately for me, this was also the time that I had to go to the school for my Spanish lessons. The roads were literally like rivers…there was water flowing down the roads as the drains were full. Walking along the pavement was ok, but everytime I had to cross the road, I had to walk through the water. It was crazy! In the meantime I was getting soaked. I thought that this would mean no one else would attend the class but the other three all managed to get in too. Nate (the other boy in the class) was late as he had to help his family house brush the water out of the door as their house had flooded!

By the end of my Spanish class, the rain had eased and the roads had already drained which was nice – I could actually walk home without my feet getting more wet.

After dinner, I made my way to a place called “Red Zebra” which had a quiz night. The quiz was generally really difficult but I happened to join a team of people who seemed to know many of the answers – in the end we actually won the quiz (and the prize was a cash prize which we divided amongst the team to give us 70Q each!). During the quiz, Grant came along too which was great. We chatted a bit after and by about 10:30 he made his way home. I stayed a little longer and played some table football…showing off my skills and beating everyone I played!!

It was just after midnight when I made my way home.

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